leash rule

 Q: I am a pet owner and am not sure whether GOSHA has a leash rule. What do I need to know?
 A: Fairfax County requires pet owners to observe certain regulations to preserve the health and safety of the community at large. Those regulations are available from the county.

refinancing/ Selling my Home

 Q: I am in the process of refinancing/selling my home and need documents. Where do I find documents I need?
 A: All Disclosure packets and other information needed for home sales need to be sent to Sentry, not by the home Association. Please email or contact our management company. https://www.sentrymgt.com/contact-us/.



Leaf Collection

Fairfax County provides guidelines for Fall leaf collection every year. The Division of Solid Waste Collection & Recycling usually collects leaves beginning in early November through January. 

Check the website www.fairfaxcounty.gov/leaf and click "2012 Vacuum Leaf Collection Season" for the current leaf collection schedule in our area. GOSHA homes are located in Area 3.


Trash & Recycling

Trash and recycling are picked up once a week on Fridays. Larger Items will not be picked up, this is the residents responsibility.